
Tennessee Business Litigation Lawyers Blog


Insurance Company Held Liable Even When Policy Never Issued

Most business people I know are too busy to read their insurance policies.  So, they rely on their insurance agents to make sure that they buy the kind of insurance coverage which they need.  Insurance agents and insurance companies are quite capable of miscommunicating and making mistakes.  So, sometimes, insureds…


What Makes a Party a “Prevailing Party” Entitled to an Award of Attorney’s Fees?

Tennessee follows the “American Rule” which holds that the losing party in a lawsuit is not required to pay the attorney’s fees of the wining party. There are exceptions to the American Rule which come up quite often in Tennessee cases. First, if a statute provides that the prevailing party…


Tennessee Court Holds Arbitration Clause Not Waived

In a breach of contract case involving a subcontractor’s claim against a general contractor, Skelton v. Freese Const. Co., Inc., the Court of Appeals of Tennessee recently ruled that the general contractor did not waive its right to require that the case be arbitrated, and reversed the trial court on…


The Tennessee Uniform Trade Secrets Acts: The Basics

In 2000, Tennessee adopted the Uniform Trade Secrets Act (“UTSA”). The UTSA aims to protect trade secrets of businesses and individuals from misappropriation, theft, and misuse. In order to prove someone is liable under the UTSA, a plaintiff must establish that its information which was misappropriated was a “trade secret.”…


Undue Influence in Tennessee Will Contests: A Helpful Case

The law of undue influence in Tennessee can be quite a bit to try to get one’s head around considering the numerous different factual situations in which undue influence cases arise and considering the numerous “suspicious circumstances” that Tennessee courts have instructed judges and juries to use in making their…


Lessor Held Individually Liable in Breach of Commercial Lease and Piercing the Veil Case

In a recent breach of contract case and fraud case arising out of a commercial lease for a doggy day care facility in Nashville (Dog House Investments, LLC v. Teal Properties, Inc.), the Court of Appeals of Tennessee discussed several areas of Tennessee law including: (1) The law related to…


Tennessee Evidence Law: A Few Basic Rules Helpful to Clients

Whether you are involved with a breach of contract case, will dispute case, real estate case or any type of commercial litigation case in a Tennessee court, you can help yourself by knowing a little about the basic rules of evidence that apply in Tennessee state court cases. In my…

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